First of all, check yourself to see whether the mobile phone protective case configured by yourself is conducive to heat dissipation, and try to avoid using a mobile phone case tha...

Apple 11 screen version is not hot?

First of all, check yourself to see whether the mobile phone protective case configured by yourself is conducive to heat dissipation, and try to avoid using a mobile phone case that is not conducive to heat dissipation;

2. Some fruit fans have this habit, after using a variety of apps, there is no awareness to close, has been accumulated, there are a lot of programs in the background, both energy consumption and power consumption, to develop the habit of often cleaning the background;

3. Do not stick to your face for a long time, long time stick to your face is not conducive to the heat dissipation of the phone, which burns the phone and burns yourself, so you can use headphones when you need to talk for a long time;

4. Avoid charging your phone while running large energy-consuming mobile games, long TV and phone calls;

5. If the phone is charging, do not cover the phone with a cover, which is not conducive to the heat dissipation of the phone;

6. Try not to use mobile phones in high temperature environment, which is also very damaging to mobile phones;

Yes, the fever is severe.

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The reason is that the function of the system version is too high, and then the configuration of the phone is low, so the phenomenon of heating after the upgrade.

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For the serious situation of iPhone11 heating caused by data synchronization process, we can alleviate it by suspending the automatic update and automatic download functions of the system. In view of the serious situation of iPhone11 fever caused by mobile phone case and charging, it is recommended to choose a mobile phone case with a groove structure inside, and during the charging process, it is not recommended that users use the phone while charging, otherwise it will aggravate the mobile phone fever.