1. If the indicator light is red, it indicates that it is being charged.2, the indicator blue light is long bright (some Bluetooth headsets are bright green , indicating that the c...

HP headphones put back in the charging case light is always on?

1. If the indicator light is red, it indicates that it is being charged.

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2, the indicator blue light is long bright (some Bluetooth headsets are bright green), indicating that the charging is complete. Bluetooth headset not plugged in charger:

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3, the indicator light is off, indicating that it has been shut down.

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4. The indicator flashes red and blue alternately, indicating that it enters the pairing mode.

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5. The blue light flashes at intervals, indicating successful pairing.

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6, in the case of use, the indicator turns red, indicating that the headset power is insufficient.

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7. The indicator blinks quickly once every 3 seconds, indicating that it is in standby state.

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8. If the indicator blinks at a slow speed once every 8 seconds, it indicates that the phone is in the talking state.