It is impossible to make a chip without using photolithography. Because the precision and complexity in chip manufacturing are very high, high-precision tools such as lithography...

Is it true that chips can be made without lithography? Who invented them?

It is impossible to make a chip without using photolithography.
Because the precision and complexity in chip manufacturing are very high, high-precision tools such as lithography machines are needed for microscopic level manufacturing.
In the initial stage of modern chip manufacturing, the use of pure manual processing and laser engraving and other methods, but this way can not meet the high requirements of modern chips, so the lithography machine has become an essential tool for chip manufacturing.
At the same time, lithography machines are widely used in the manufacture of integrated circuits, flat panel displays, micromechanical systems and other fields.

It is true that chips can be made without using a lithography machine, a concept proposed by the American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman. This manufacturing method is called Feynman technology, which uses an electron beam to draw the circuit pattern of the chip on the surface of the film directly through the control system to achieve the purpose of manufacturing the chip.
can not only reduce the cost, but also improve the quality and performance of the chip. In addition, low-cost technologies such as metal imaging and chemical vapor deposition can also be used in chip manufacturing.