The power consumption of mobile phone chargers is mostly within 20W, and the maximum of three is no more than dozens of W, and the 2500W plugboard can fully cope with it.The charge...

How many mobile phones can 2500w socket board charge?

The power consumption of mobile phone chargers is mostly within 20W, and the maximum of three is no more than dozens of W, and the 2500W plugboard can fully cope with it.

The charger power of different mobile phones is different, and the plug bar is at most a dozen holes, all of which are fine.

2500w plugboard, generally speaking, there are about six sockets on it. Normal six all plugged in no problem, no mobile phone charging power is very low. Generally, the charging power of mobile phones is about three or four hundred thousand, and it is only more than one million when fully plugged in, and it is about 200w. Such a good point of power, is far below his rated power. Basic operation, charge casually check.

The bull's 2,500-watt socket can charge four cell phone chargers without a problem.

As long as it is good to plug and add a few mobile phone chargers, there is no problem, rest assured that you can use it.

Because the power of the mobile phone charger is several watts.

2,500 vado is enough to make a tea stove let alone charge a cell phone

2500w plugboard, general condition. Today's mobile phones are generally 18w fast charge. Therefore, under normal circumstances, 100 mobile phones can be charged without problems.