The inventor of the cpu can be said to be Intel.In 1971, Intel launched the world's first microprocessor, the 4004 microprocessor produced by Intel integrated the arithmetic and co...

Who invented the CPU?

The inventor of the cpu can be said to be Intel.

In 1971, Intel launched the world's first microprocessor, the 4004 microprocessor produced by Intel integrated the arithmetic and controller on a chip, marking the birth of the CPU; In 1978, the 8086 processor laid the foundation for the X86 instruction set architecture, and then the 8086 series processors were widely used in personal computer terminals, high-performance servers, and cloud servers.

CPU includes arithmetic Logic components, register components and control components, English Logic components; An operational logic unit that can perform fixed-point or floating-point arithmetic operations, shift operations, and logical operations, as well as address operations and conversions.

CPU appears in the era of large-scale integrated circuits, and the iterative update of processor architecture design and the continuous improvement of integrated circuit technology promote its continuous development and improvement. From the original dedicated to mathematical calculations to widely used in general purpose computing, from 4-bit to 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit processors, and finally to 64-bit processors, from the incompatibility of various vendors to the emergence of different instruction set architecture specifications, cpus have been developing rapidly since their birth.

Central Processing Unit (Central Processing Unit), referred to as CPU, is the computing core and control core of a computer launched in 1971, and is the final execution unit of information processing and program operation. CPU includes arithmetic logic components, register components and control components, etc., and has the function of processing instructions, executing operations, controlling time, processing data, etc. Since its emergence, it has made great progress in logical structure, operation efficiency and function extension.

Intel invented the CPU

The inventor of the cpu can be said to be Intel. In 1971, Intel launched the world's first microprocessor, the 4004 microprocessor produced by Intel integrated the arithmetic and controller on a chip, marking the birth of the CPU.

The invention of cpu is not achieved overnight, but also has a process... It is said that the first person to propose this idea was an Englishman, Charles Babbage... Later, an American named Bardeen made contributions in the field of transistors... The continuous efforts of many scientists eventually led to today's cpu...