If it is particularly hot, do not continue to charge. It's especially hot for the following reasons:1, lack of electrolyte If the lack of electrolyte, the battery in the charge and...

Electric car charger is hot when charging?

If it is particularly hot, do not continue to charge. It's especially hot for the following reasons:

1, lack of electrolyte If the lack of electrolyte, the battery in the charge and discharge process, will lead to increased battery resistance and heat, affecting the battery life.

In this regard, you can choose to add electrolyte stock, which can only avoid the lack of electrolyte, so that the battery does not heat, and can not improve the capacity, can slightly extend the life of a few months.

To really increase capacity, you have to replace it.

2, charger and battery mismatch Due to the popularity of electric vehicles, many users have more than two electric vehicles, and some users for convenience, often mix the charger, if the battery is 48V with 60V charger, due to voltage mismatch, it will cause the battery temperature rise, in addition, this practice is very dangerous, and even directly charged bad electric vehicles.

Therefore, it is recommended that special car charger.

3, battery aging or damage after the use of electric vehicles for a few years, the battery has already appeared aging or damage, then the battery at this time is time to replace, and then choose to charge, it can no longer absorb.

Therefore, there will be excessive temperature when the battery is charged.

4, a single battery short circuit If a single battery short circuit, charging will also cause the battery temperature is too high, you can choose to replace a single battery. Extended information:

The more obvious feature is that the capacitor contains a certain solution, in the exceedance of the working environment, the capacitor will heat and explode to relieve the pressure that the body and mind can not bear.

Resistance: After heating and overload, it will change color or smoke, of course, the resistance will also explode, explode or part of itself flies away.

The resistance method uses a digital multimeter to measure the suspected part of the circuit, generally we use a diode file for measurement, that is, short circuit 2 pens, the multimeter will call the file, before measuring the resistance we will do some necessary discharge behavior, in the case of confirming that there is no utility, we use tweezers to short circuit some capacitors, and then carry out our resistance measurement in the road.

The replacement method is to replace some devices, the replacement device may be new, or removed from a normal working charger, the replacement is more suitable for specific devices such as: capacitors, integrated blocks and other devices that may be soft damage, for other hard devices, we do not need to consider replacing it.

The reasons for the hot charging of electric vehicle batteries are:

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Battery and charger do not match: The mismatched charger will cause the battery to move the heat of the power supply when charging, so there is a hot situation.

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2. Heat caused by the charger problem: the general charger has no pulse and negative pulse to eliminate the polarization function, usually can not be constant voltage in the late charging period, so that the battery voltage exceeds the allowable value, resulting in a large amount of battery gas, water loss, heat.

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3. One of the batteries has a short circuit: you can take a multimeter to measure the voltage of each battery, if you find that the voltage is very low that is short circuit, to replace the battery.

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4. Battery problems: battery aging, internal resistance increases, electrolyte drying, internal short circuit and other battery problems caused by heating.

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5. Increase in the number of battery use: With the increase in the number of battery use, including discharge and charging, the water molecules in the battery are gradually lost, resulting in the battery heating in the electrochemical reaction; In addition, the battery solution forms sulfuric acid crystals during the charging and discharging process, which precipitates and sticks on the plate, resulting in increased battery resistance and heating; And if the battery is due to short circuit caused by the battery heat.