ai智能音箱无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-08 21:35 32
The Beijing Fish ai speaker needs to be charged all the time.Since there is no battery inside, the power cord needs to be plugged in at all times.Beijing Fish smart speaker refers...

Should the little King Fish always be plugged in?

The Beijing Fish ai speaker needs to be charged all the time.

Since there is no battery inside, the power cord needs to be plugged in at all times.

Beijing Fish smart speaker refers to a device that can convert audio signals into sound. In popular terms, it means that the speaker host box or subwoofer box comes with a power amplifier, and the audio signal is amplified by the speaker itself to play back the sound, so that the sound becomes louder. The speaker is the terminal of the entire sound system, and its role is to convert the audio electrical energy into the corresponding sound energy and radiate it to the space.

Jing Yu AI speaker adopts dual passive membrane resonance technology, with 8W full frequency sound unit, support 360° sound field, internal use of 4-core processor, ring microphone array, beamforming and echo cancellation technology.