Not enough battery life. Charge it up.Before there was no breakthrough in mobile phone battery technology, various manufacturers were hot around the \"fast charge\" technology.Last...

Why is wireless charging limited to 60w?

Not enough battery life. Charge it up.

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Before there was no breakthrough in mobile phone battery technology, various manufacturers were hot around the \"fast charge\" technology.

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Last year, OPPO introduced 125W wired fast charge technology, while the latest iPhone 12 only has 20w. Then millet is not to be outdone, launched 80W wireless fast charge, but also left behind competitors. However, the radical technology did not really land in the end, and six months later, these fast charging technologies still remain in the concept.

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And recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology a paper limiting wireless charging power file, it seems to press the pause button for this fast charge competition.

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Wireless fast charge up to 50W, high power direction wrong?

In the \"Interim Provisions on Radio Management of Wireless Charging (Power Transmission) Equipment (Draft for Comment)\" (hereinafter referred to as the \"Interim Provisions\") published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology:

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Since January 1, 2022, all mobile and portable wireless charging devices produced, imported and sold in China are required to have rated transmission power of less than 50W.

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In short, by next year, may not see wireless charging power more than 50W mobile phone.

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Taking the upcoming Xiaomi 11Pro as an example, this mobile phone will debut the current highest configuration of 67W wireless fast charge, if the draft is finally passed, then this year will be the last \"crazy\" year of wireless charging.

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It has been clear in the regulations that the development of standards is to regulate the use of wireless charging equipment, avoid harmful interference to all types of radio services carried out in accordance with the law, and maintain the order of air waves.

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Radio is a public resource, just like road resources, which need to be used rationally and not interfere with others, and the same is true for low-power wireless charging. Whether it is the previous wireless chargers, or the current hot \"space charging\

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In fact, most countries regulate the radio frequency band for the needs of communications, military and other fields.

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Taking China's \"Radio Administration Regulations of the People's Republic of China\" as an example, Article 3 indicates:

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\"The radio spectrum resources belong to the State. The State applies the principles of unified planning, rational development and paid use of radio spectrum resources.\"

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Therefore, the introduction of the Provisional Provisions is not surprising.

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What is the impact on the development of fast charging?

On Weibo, many netizens criticized the document as \"reversing\

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Who would say no to a phone that can be fully charged quickly?

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At present, the \"provisional provisions\" is only a draft for comments, that is to say, this document is still a certain amount of room for change from the official document, but even if the official document will raise the 50W ceiling to 65W or even higher, but the manufacturers in the field of wireless charging, the road to the list will eventually come to an end.

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In the future, around the \"mobile phone charging\

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As we all know, the current mobile phone charging technology is usually marked the \"highest peak\

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In order to achieve the purpose of marketing and attracting attention, domestic manufacturers began to frantically increase fast charge power, but this is not a healthy development direction.

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Earlier, Lu Weibing released a microblog that his 33W fast charge has been faster than other manufacturers' 40W charge. In this case, the \"fast charge\" that can only run for a short time is far less practical than the full \"slow charge\

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If you can transfer the \"simple competition time\" to \"improve charging efficiency\

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On the other hand, Apple's MagSafe accessories have also brought a new idea to Android manufacturers: accessories are also one of the directions of wireless charging in the future, which can unlock more charging scenarios. Xiaomi's \"wireless wireless charging\" is also highly likely to become one of the forms of wireless charging.

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The introduction of regulations seems to limit the development of technology, in fact, it is also to provide an effective direction for manufacturers: at present, high-power wireless fast charge technology is still stuck in PPT, only when it really becomes a stable and available technology, in order to promote the development of subsequent technologies.

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At present, wireless charging has entered a period of rapid development. In the context of difficult to guarantee whether the existing wireless charging will cause interference to radio communications, limiting the wireless charging power to 50W, although there is a \"one-size-fits-all\" question, but it is also the easiest practice at present.

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In fact, when making regulations, it is difficult to predict the future development, standards are often lagging behind the market, which is also the significance of the release of the draft, only with the views and views of practitioners and the public, in order to make timely adjustments.

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On February 19, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicited opinions on the Interim Provisions on Radio Management of Wireless Charging (Power Transmission) Equipment (Draft for Comment) (hereinafter referred to as the \"Opinions\"). Mobile and portable wireless charging equipment should work in 100-148.5kHz, 6765-6795kHz, 13553-13567kHz frequency bands, rated transmission power does not exceed 50W.

The reason for the government to limit high-power wireless charging is mainly due to safety considerations, because even if the manufacturers have repeatedly claimed that they have made the corresponding safety design such as cooling and explosion prevention, but there will still be risks of overheating, fire burning, battery expansion and explosion in the process of charging the battery with high power. At the same time, the wireless frequency band corresponding to the wireless charging technology used by various manufacturers may also interfere with the existing wireless equipment, so the necessary specifications will be made to avoid the excessive promotion of the technology by various manufacturers, but ignore the security when using.

Because, this wireless charging is just beginning. For your own safety, so. Limited to 60W.