ai智能音箱无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-08 21:34 35
Bluetooth small speaker, without any charging skills, there will be no special charging method, all the use of operation, is the simplest charging head inserted into the bar, the...

dcss Bluetooth speaker charging method?

Bluetooth small speaker, without any charging skills, there will be no special charging method, all the use of operation, is the simplest charging head inserted into the bar, the charging cable connected to the speaker data cable interface, the speaker charging power indicator light, until the charge is full, the indicator light is off. If you charge is not normal, you can try to replace the other charging head of the same charging interface, if not, because the charging control is on the internal power amplifier board, you need to repair the disassembly machine to repair the charging circuit, or understand the radio, directly buy 1a lithium battery charging board online, the volume is very small, replace and repair.