苹果手表无线充架ichaiyang 2024-05-08 21:33 31
Generally, it takes about ten minutes for Apple Watch to upgrade the firmware system as follows:1, first upgrade the iPhone system to the latest version, turn on Bluetooth and WiFi...

How long does it take to refresh the Apple Watch?

Generally, it takes about ten minutes for Apple Watch to upgrade the firmware system as follows:

1, first upgrade the iPhone system to the latest version, turn on Bluetooth and WiFi.

2, connected to Apple Watch, Apple Watch power is greater than 50%, and in the charging state.

3. Open Apple Watch (My Watch) on your iPhone.

4, click to enter 【 General 】> [Software update], waiting for it to automatically check for updates.

5, when the update prompt appears, click [Download and install], enter the iPhone screen lock password, and start downloading (interruption does not matter here).

6, after the download is completed, the iPhone will automatically install the firmware to the Apple Watch, and must not be interrupted.

7. After the firmware is installed, Apple Watch will automatically restart and enter the refresh interface (circular progress bar), which must not be interrupted manually.

8. After brushing the machine, Apple Watch will restart again, enter the standby screen, and the system will be upgraded.