无线充比线充慢ichaiyang 2024-05-22 0:58 25
Cause one: The mobile phone has virtual powerThe mobile phone has a virtual power means that you turn on the full power state, but after you turn off the charger, you find that the...

Why do mobile phones sometimes charge slowly and consume electricity quickly?

Cause one: The mobile phone has virtual power

The mobile phone has a virtual power means that you turn on the full power state, but after you turn off the charger, you find that the power display is actually only about 80%.

The Android system generally determines the battery power according to the battery voltage, and the voltage has two recognition modes.

One is software recognition, that is, after you turn on the system, the battery displayed on the phone; The other is hardware recognition, that is, the amount of electricity displayed by the phone after connecting the charger when the phone is not turned on.

Usually the software recognition is higher than the hardware recognition of the voltage, so it will appear that we turn on the display is full, after the shutdown connected to the charger, but found that in fact only 80% or even lower power, want to be full? It's going to take a long time!

In fact, we often do not fully charge the phone, wasting part of the battery capacity, and naturally feel that the power is falling fast!


First check if your phone has a virtual charge: turn it on and fully charge it, then turn it off and connect it to the charger to see if it is fully charged. If there is virtual electricity, then shut down full and use again, see if it will lose power fast!

This platitudes of the problem we can not be careless, Android is not a good point, that is, after the program exits, it will automatically run in the background. And in the case of mobile phones generally have no problems, these background programs are often the biggest culprit of power consumption!

As well as the phone's own screen brightness, wifi, Gps, Bluetooth, etc., and other Settings, these seemingly inconspicuous small things are actually power consumers.


1. Enter the phone Settings - Application management - is running, the unnecessary program forcibly shut down!

2. Turn down the screen brightness, turn off wifi, Bluetooth, etc. when not in use, turn off the key sound, key vibration and other power consumption Settings.

3. Think about whether you have installed the program recently, uninstall it first, and see whether the power consumption of the phone is restored to normal. Many small programs that we have ignored are actually amazing!

Cause two: The signal strength affects the power consumption of the mobile phone

When the signal is bad, the phone will automatically switch between 2G\/3G\/4G networks, resulting in increased power consumption and faster power consumption!

And the different network mode of the mobile phone is also the key to affect the power consumption, the power consumption ranking: 4G> 3G> Two gigabits.


When the network environment is not good, enter [Settings] > Wireless and behind the net. [Network mode], the mobile phone network is set to \"use 2G\/3G\

Reason three: The distance between the mobile phone and the base station also affects the power consumption

We must first understand that the reason why the mobile phone can connect to the network signal is that the base station needs to emit a signal, and the mobile phone terminal can transmit and receive a signal to the base station in order to connect and use.

When the network environment of the terminal mobile phone is good, the mobile phone only needs a small transmission power, and the base station can easily receive the mobile phone signal;

When the network environment of the terminal is poor or unstable, the mobile phone must increase the transmission power to allow the base station to receive the signal accurately, and naturally, it will increase the power consumption of the mobile phone!


If you want to save power, when the signal is bad, try to turn off the mobile phone network first, if you must use the network, then try to find a broad, better signal place.

Cause four: The battery is aging

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Most of today's smart phones use lithium batteries, and the average life of lithium batteries is 2-3 years, after 400-500 charging and discharging, it will accelerate the aging rate and become more and more durable.

Our daily incorrect use of mobile phone batteries will easily cause battery aging and reduced battery life.


The correct use of mobile phone batteries is a good way to extend battery life.

And about the correct use and maintenance of mobile phone batteries, a large search on the Internet, here is no longer repeated.

Now the question to solve is, how do we tell if the phone battery is aging?

1. If the battery has been used for about a year, and you use it according to your usual habits, the phone is charged quickly and the power consumption is faster, it is likely to have begun to age;

2. In the general mobile phone Settings, you can view the battery situation of the mobile phone. If you do not find, you can also judge by software, such as some battery detection software, you can view the relevant information of the battery, the battery is normal or what is wrong at a glance! At the same time, you can also see the power consumption of each program on the phone!

There is a situation, when we install some programs, the mobile phone system will automatically keep awake (like the computer, if the boot for a long time will not go into hibernation, when you press the keyboard or mouse, it will wake up), so that the power consumption will be great!


Go to phone Settings - Developer Options - Stay awake and remove the checkmark!

There is also a new mobile phone, we often see a lot of pre-installed software, how can not delete!

In fact, this is the product of mobile phone brand merchants and related partners, in addition, they will also integrate a lot of their own things or other services on the factory ROM, resulting in a rise in mobile phone power consumption! Before you buy a mobile phone for long, you will find that the power consumption is really not the average fast!


Pay attention to check before buying, especially for some operators' custom machines! If you already have, check to see if your phone has all of these things. If you have, you can find a simplified version of the ROM corresponding to your mobile phone model online, so that professionals can help you solve the problem!

Cause five: improper brushing

Many people, in order to obtain ROOT permissions or other factors, the new machine as soon as they get the machine. But before long, it was found that the mobile phone was easy to have various problems, especially the power consumption would increase rapidly, which was really troubling!

In this case, the brush machine is generally incomplete, resulting in program errors, and then the program will continue to run repeatedly, and the power consumption will naturally speed up!


In fact, professionals know that the major brush machine system may have more or less some defects, can not call some of the programs on the mobile phone hardware, and then these programs will try repeatedly, we can not see the surface, only after the brush machine, the use of the mobile phone found the problem, will know!

At this time, it is best to find someone to help re-brush the machine, brush back to the original system or the official ROM system, and then manage the system startup and self-starting software, you can perfect the solution.

For the mobile phone hardware is more familiar, you can manually remove, check the mobile phone motherboard whether a patch capacitor is in poor contact, resulting in a short circuit, causing the mobile phone to heat, and then check to see if there is leakage.

Of course, this must be a professional to detect, our ordinary people are more difficult to do.


Get the mobile phone after-sales repair point to test, or go to some regular mobile phone repair shops, let professionals give you a test, determine the problem, in order to correct the medicine!

In the final analysis, in fact, the fast power consumption is generally caused by our improper use of mobile phones, after all, in the smart phone replacement so fast, a mobile phone can be used for two or three years is enough.

As long as we buy a regular brand machine, usually pay attention to the maintenance of mobile phones and batteries, before the next replacement, there will be no big problem with two or three years!