无线充比线充慢ichaiyang 2024-05-22 0:57 38
First, the reason for the slow charging of the data lineBecause the power of each data cable is different, the same mobile phone with high power will be fully charged quickly, and...

Data cable charging slow what happened?

First, the reason for the slow charging of the data line

Because the power of each data cable is different, the same mobile phone with high power will be fully charged quickly, and the small power will take a little longer. In addition, by comparison, the charging speed has nothing to do with the structure, and the resistance is related, the original data line is usually 0.4~0.5 euros, and most of the cheap line search is 1~3 euros, so it is easy to cause slow charging. All USB cables look the same, but the amperage they provide internally is not the same, and this important information is never marked on the cable. At this point, you probably have a variety of USB cables in one of your drawers. It can be difficult to tell which data cable is serving which device, and although all data cables look the same, they can make a big difference if used in different places.

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Second, the correct charging skills can help improve the charging rate

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1, reasonable choice of data cable, try to choose the original data cable. It is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the difference between the data lines from the appearance, so all interfaces are consistent, and mixing is like routine, but the number of currents provided by different data lines may be different. Many low-cost data cables look thick, but the internal core is very thin, or replaced by pure copper with aluminum. In addition, there may be hidden dangers in the contact material and welding of the inferior data line connector, and the above problems will lead to increased resistance, the standard data line resistance should be 0.5 ohms, and the inferior line may reach 3 ~ 6 ohms, and the charging efficiency will naturally decrease by 6 to 12 times. So the choice of data line is very important.

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2, lithium battery will start lithium battery protection when the power is very low, at this time the phone can not be turned on, there is no reaction in the early charging, and the charging time will be longer. A charged phone has to wait a long time to wake up the battery and turn off the protection. So try not to wait until the battery runs out.

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3, as we all know, after the phone is turned on, various programs have been running, will consume more electricity, will naturally drag the \"charging rate\" hind legs. So try to turn off some apps and turn off the screen while charging. Of course, if you can shut down or switch to \"airplane mode\

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4, in addition, some friends like to charge through the USB interface of the computer, compared to the charging method of plugging in the socket, this charge will take longer. Under normal circumstances, the maximum output current of the front USB port of the computer is only 0.5A, and the charging speed is very slow. If you must use the computer USB interface to charge, you can use the computer rear USB port, because its current is more stable than the front port, charging speed is relatively faster

1. Slow charging when the charger or data cable is not plugged in or the interface is not clean:

When charging, the charger, data cable, and mobile phone charging interface are not in contact, which may lead to slow charging, failure to enter the fast charge or failure to charge, please plug and unplug the charger several times.

Check whether the connectors and jacks are clean. If dust is found, it is recommended to wipe it with alcohol or clean it with a brush. If alcohol wipe, need to wait for alcohol to dry, and then re-charge to confirm.

2, the ambient temperature is high, the mobile phone is hot when charging slowly:

Mobile phone has a special overheat protection design, when the phone temperature is high, the charging current will gradually decrease.

During the charging process, the temperature of the phone will change to a certain extent, especially when the phone is charging, it also runs some high-power programs, which will make the temperature rise significantly, which will lead to slow charging.

In summer, the weather is hot, the ambient temperature is high, and the heat dissipation of the mobile phone is difficult, so the charging speed will be relatively slow compared with the winter when the ambient temperature is low, which is a normal phenomenon.

It is recommended that you charge the phone at room temperature as much as possible, and it is recommended to close the high-power applications running in the background when charging.

3. Slow charging while using:

The mobile phone is charged while using, and part of the current input by the charger needs to offset the electricity consumed by the mobile phone hardware such as the screen when in use, resulting in a decrease in the current to charge the battery and a slower charging speed.

On the other hand, using the phone while charging will also cause the temperature of the phone to rise, and the charging speed will be further slowed down due to the thermal protection mechanism of the phone.

It is recommended that you avoid using your phone while charging, especially for applications with high power consumption, such as playing games and watching videos.

From the personal experience of using magnetic data cable charging for a long time, the possible reasons for the slow charging of magnetic data cable are as follows:

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First, compared with the traditional data line direct charging method, the magnetic head of the magnetic data line inevitably has the problem of surface oxidation, dirt, and contact resistance, so there is usually an energy loss phenomenon such as magnetic hair heat, which ultimately leads to the charging efficiency is always lower than the data line direct charging method.

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Second, for mobile phones that support QC and other fast charging modes, the magnetic absorption data line may be due to the poor contact of the magnetic head, resulting in the fast charge control voltage of the mobile phone output cannot reach the charging head smoothly, which makes the charging head fail to work in the fast charge state, and ultimately may cause the charging time to be too long.

It may be that the data line is aging, it is recommended that you buy a new one, or you have a look. Is there a problem with the board plug?