1, most of this problem is because of the failure of your charging cable, and many inferior connection cables on the market will cause this situation because of poor contact.2, you...

Charging bank charge fast charge mobile phone always automatic power off how to do?

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1, most of this problem is because of the failure of your charging cable, and many inferior connection cables on the market will cause this situation because of poor contact.

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2, you can use the elimination method, with other chargers this charging line to complete the phone, if you can indicate that the line is no problem.

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3, then the next should be your battery problem, because you said that your charging bank is still charged when the power is off. The batteries... There's no way to identify... Or buy it again.

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4, of course, it is also possible that your mobile phone is overheated when charging, resulting in automatic power off the mobile phone, and try it in the air conditioning room?

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5, the only explanation for charging the phone with a charging bank is that the current does not match, look at the INPUT current of your battery, as well as the OUTPUT current of the mobile power supply, and see if it is similar, if you use 2.1A output current to charge the battery that only needs 1A. The speed is fast, but it's easy to overheat!

The fast charge cable does not match the mobile phone, it is not recommended to continue to use, which will affect the life of the mobile phone

This should be the case when charging, the charging power is too large, so he will automatically power off in order to protect the battery from breaking.