Filling volume is a measure of down quality index, it refers to a down jacket filled with all the down weight. Under the condition of ensuring the \"cashmere content\This, depends...

A short down jacket filling capacity is 90 grams, the standard?

Filling volume is a measure of down quality index, it refers to a down jacket filled with all the down weight. Under the condition of ensuring the \"cashmere content\

This, depends on the choice of down jacket size or version type! For the general style, the size of the down jacket is proportional to the amount of filling, but if you choose a light and light style and a short style, then it may be less than 90 grams! Personally think that the choice of down jacket, under normal circumstances, first choose 90 velvet, and then look at the number of grams, so that when you are entangled, you can choose the favorite and warm good down jacket

The filling amount of general light and light down jacket is 120 grams, neutral is 150 grams, thick down jacket is 180 grams, and thick down jacket is 210 grams, which is a minimum standard. Most of the down jacket will choose a different filling amount according to the design, such as 250-450 grams is normal, better down jacket filling can reach 90%, and some of the worse at about 50%.

Because the amount of warm down jacket is standard. A short down jacket filling should be more than 130 grams to be able to defend against the cold climate in winter, that is, the down jacket filling should have 100 grams when it is warmer in the south. Not to mention in the north, when the winter is high and cold, the filling amount of the down jacket must have 200 grams to resist the cold weather and achieve the purpose of warmth!