芯片是什么原理ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:42 195
74ls151 is an 8-select 1 multi-channel data selector chip, the principle is as follows:The chip has 8 input terminals (D0-D7 and 2 control terminals (G1 and G2A\/G2B , G1 and G2A\...

74ls151 chip principle?

74ls151 is an 8-select 1 multi-channel data selector chip, the principle is as follows:

The chip has 8 input terminals (D0-D7) and 2 control terminals (G1 and G2A\/G2B), G1 and G2A\/G2B can choose different control modes. When G1=0, regardless of whether the value of G2A\/G2B is 0 or 1, the chip is in the disabled state. When G1=1, when the value of G2A\/G2B is 0, the chip is in the 2 choice 1 state; When the value of G2A\/G2B is 1, the chip is in the 4 choice 1 state. Next to each input control is a pin control (Y) that outputs the selected input signal to the pin.

When in use, the desired input signal is selected according to the state of the control terminal, and the selected signal is output from the output terminal. For example, in the 2 to 1 state, G1=1 and G2A\/G2B=0, if D0 and D1 input different signals respectively, one signal is selected as the output according to the selected control signal, and the other input signals are automatically ignored. It's similar in the 4 choose 1 state. The chip has a wide range of applications and can be used in many kinds of digital circuit design and implementation.

The 74LS151 is an 8-1 multiplexer chip with 8 data inputs, 3 control inputs, and 8 data outputs. Its function is to select one of the data inputs according to the control input and output it to the data output port. The specific principles are as follows:

The 74LS151 chip has eight data input ports, respectively D0~D7, and three control input ports, respectively A, B and C. By controlling the status of input ports A, B, and C, you can select data from one of the data input ports for output. When the status of A, B, and C is 000, the data output of D0 is selected. When the states of A, B, and C are 001, select data output on D1, and so on. When the states of A, B, and C are 111, select data output on D7.

Therefore, 74LS151 chip can be used in digital circuit data selection, data multiplexing, address selection and other applications.

74LS151 is an 8-select 1 data selector, which is equivalent to a single-pole 8-throw switch, and the output is selected to connect the 8 inputs according to the 3-bit address ABC.