手机制冷无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-08 21:21 49
The iPhone 8 Plus doesn't have a dedicated cooling feature. Smartphones usually automatically reduce performance in high temperature environments to prevent overheating, but there...

Does the iPhone 8plus have cooling?

The iPhone 8 Plus doesn't have a dedicated cooling feature. Smartphones usually automatically reduce performance in high temperature environments to prevent overheating, but there is no special refrigeration equipment. In order to maintain the normal working condition of the mobile phone, it is recommended to avoid excessive use of mobile phones in hot environments, and ensure that the mobile phone is well ventilated to avoid long-term exposure to high temperatures.


According to the inquiry of Apple's official data, the Apple 8plus itself does not have its own refrigeration device, only a high temperature alarm mode.

Therefore, the Apple 8plus cannot use the cooling function like other phones, and can only protect the device through the high temperature alarm mode.

Hello, the Apple 8 Plus doesn't have cooling. The cooling function is usually used for heat dissipation in electronic equipment to keep the temperature stable while the equipment is running. However, the Apple 8 Plus doesn't have that feature.