结婚长明灯无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-08 21:15 24
First, wedding lighting - action instructions.Lighting is first of all an action: lighting a candle can also be called lighting a lamp. Ming Korea Li Mincheng \"Mr. Jingting sequel...

The meaning of Chinese wedding lights?

First, wedding lighting - action instructions.

Lighting is first of all an action: lighting a candle can also be called lighting a lamp. Ming Korea Li Mincheng \"Mr. Jingting sequel · Sky Record\" : \"The military gate (Yuan Ke Li) said: 'But the palace cloud, why Ye? The answer was, 'Where the concubine lived, the lamp was on fire, while the main hall was still standing.' Of course, there is also an allusion that \"only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps.\"

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2. Wedding lighting -- a folk custom in Dongkeng Town, Dongguan City.

Where a child is born, the lights will be turned on in the first few or ten days of the first month of the next year (also called lighting). When the lamp is turned on, the lamp holder collects funds to put on a banquet in the ancestral hall (how much to put on, each village determines). Every night after the banquet, the lamp holder carries a lantern and knocks a gong to each house to send a mud doll (commonly known as an eye poo doll). Generally put the clay doll at the door of each door official land Bodhisattva there.

If it is a newlywed, it will be the newlywed couple's aunt to pick up the doll, then the aunt with an apron to pick up, there are some mischievous lamp head water on the apron and shouted: \"Good to see!\" Younger sister can not pee!\"

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Third, marriage lighting is one of the traditional marriage customs, this is the lantern that couples long long, Ding Ding rich, pray Ding Ding ah, Ding and lamp homophony.