结婚长明灯无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-08 21:15 19
Daughter's first year of marriage to send lights is exquisite, different local customs are not the same, specific attention can ask the local elders.1 The time of \"sending lights...

What's special about sending lanterns in the first year of marriage?

Daughter's first year of marriage to send lights is exquisite, different local customs are not the same, specific attention can ask the local elders.

1) The time of \"sending lights\" is generally chosen before the eighth day of the first month, two large lanterns with ten candles. Lanterns are hung in front of the door, hailed as a bright future, happiness and happiness.

2) Send lanterns to the married girl, but also bring a variety of dough sculptures, Li Mo has a large toad, surrounded by chicken, fish, dragon, wind, and some symbols of tadpoles and other dough.

What is the eternal lamp of marriage?

Marriage lamp, also as a long life lamp, pray for the meaning of long life. A kind of lamp on New Year's Eve, which can live long if it does not go out all night, is a traditional custom.

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What are the wedding lanterns

【 Who buys the wedding lamp 】

1) Wedding lanterns are usually bought by the woman's mother. One of the bride's dowry goods, remember to buy before marriage, put in the dowry cabinet. On the wedding day, take it to the man's house. (When lighting the lamp, also say a set of formulas).

2) The lantern is usually to prepare two red lights, on behalf of the newlyweds into pairs, married life is prosperous and auspicious, meaning that the new married life is prosperous and auspicious.

【 Who will light the wedding lamp 】

The lamplighter can be his sister, or brother, or his uncle or aunt, and in some places, the mother-in-law lights the lamp.

【 Things to pay attention to in marriage 】

1) Once the wedding lamp is lit, it must not be extinguished, and it must be lit until the next morning of the wedding. The meaning of lighting has a bright future, and also has the meaning of adding children, because \"lamp\" and \"Ding\" are homophonic.

2) There are also some places where the wedding lamp must be continuously lit day and night for 3 days before it can be extinguished

It is a traditional custom of the Chinese nation to send lanterns in the first year of marriage, which symbolizes the happiness and happiness of the newlyweds. 1. The number of lanterns: Under normal circumstances, the number of lanterns sent is even, such as 2, 4, 6 and so on. 2. Lantern patterns: The patterns of lanterns should be auspicious and beautiful, such as mandarin ducks, magpies, swallows, lotus and so on. The color of the lantern: the color of the lantern should be red, because red represents good luck and happiness. At the same time, you can use gold, yellow and other colors to decorate. The meaning of lanterns: The meaning of sending lanterns is to pray for happiness, health and long-term love for the couple. At the same time, the lanterns also symbolize the couple's deep love, care and support for each other. In short, sending lanterns is a unique way of blessing, it can express the sincere wishes for the happiness of the couple.

A: The first year of marriage to send lanterns, meaning the family is bright, that is, I wish a man a bright future. There is also a meaning for a long life lamp.

1, the first year of marriage to send lanterns, in fact, when the girl came out, the mother's side when the bride's brother sent, carrying lanterns, has been sent to her husband's house, the wedding night, the bridal chamber and then light the light, so that it is bright all night and not half way lights out. In doing so, this lamp is called a permanent lamp in some places, and it is also called a long-life lamp. Its meaning homophony is long life lamp. There are also customs that it means that men have a bright future and a bright family. In any case, one sentence means a long life and a bright future.

2, in short, the first year of marriage to send lanterns, this is a folk custom, which means that the future is bright, the family is bright, both husband and wife have a long life. This is a folk wish for a better life.

    The first year of marriage to send lanterns called \"send headlights\

    The meaning of sending the lantern: I hope my daughter and son-in-law live a prosperous life like a lantern, a hundred years of good union, and a long life.