快充无线充插线板ichaiyang 2024-05-21 22:21 33
First of all, the power output of the board is an important factor. Some boards have a higher power output and can provide more current to charge the device, resulting in faster ch...

Why do some boards charge faster and some charge slower?

First of all, the power output of the board is an important factor. Some boards have a higher power output and can provide more current to charge the device, resulting in faster charging speeds. On the contrary, a lower power board may result in a slower charging speed. Secondly, the quality of the charging cable will also have an impact on the charging speed. High-quality charging cables can provide better current transmission efficiency and reduce energy loss, resulting in faster charging speeds. Conversely, low quality or damaged charging cables can cause poor current transmission and affect charging speed. In addition, the charging capacity of the device itself is also a factor. Different devices have different charging capabilities and ability to receive current. Some devices support fast charging technology, which can provide higher power and current through adapters and plugboards for faster charging speeds. Some older or low-end devices may not support fast charging technology, so the charging speed will be relatively slow. Finally, there are a number of other factors that may have an impact on the charging speed, such as the voltage stability of the power supply, the charge management system of the device, etc.
In summary, the charging speed of the plug-in board is affected by many factors such as the power output of the plug-in board, the quality of the charging cable, and the charging capability of the device. If you want a faster charging speed, consider choosing a higher-power pad, a high-quality charging cable, and make sure the device itself supports fast-charging technology.

This is because charging requires a certain voltage, normally, through the transformer direct charging, because the voltage is stable and meets the requirements of the mobile phone, so it is the fastest, and the voltage charging through the USB port is always not quite the same as the requirements of the mobile phone, and the USB port is often used, it will also cause loosening and other phenomena, more resulting in voltage instability.

Because some chargers power is relatively large and safe so fast