芯片是什么样的ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:41 111
? So where do the chips for so many sophisticated Russian weapons come from? This is about the predecessor of Russia, the Soviet Union, as a counterweight to the United States afte...

Why are Russian chips so powerful?

? So where do the chips for so many sophisticated Russian weapons come from? This is about the predecessor of Russia, the Soviet Union, as a counterweight to the United States after World War II, at that time there were only two major powers in the world: the Soviet Union and Russia. The United States has absorbed a variety of talents in various fields for construction, whether it is developed in the military industry, other advanced electronic equipment and civilian light industry, and other fields are also in a stable state of development.

? After World War II, the Soviet Union in order to compete with the United States, only to pursue the lead in the military industry, in the field of military and military manufacturing, but also in the world's leading position. But it neglected other areas, including civilian light industry, which was one of the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union. What kind of arms and equipment can be manufactured, but the manufacture of simple instruments for people's lives is a bit difficult.

? However, what is less clear to the public is that for the chips used in civilian devices such as mobile phones, what needs to be done is to be able to integrate a variety of functions on a very small chip. The chips used for weapons do not need to be so fine, and the size of the chips is not too high, so Russia is enough to make powerful weapons with only the technology inherited from the Soviet Union. The chip technology in the Soviet Union at the time was perfectly adequate without the need to invest more effort and spend more money on research.