1, is an integrated circuit chip, also known as a four-way double-pole switch. Its main function is to realize the switch and selection of signals, often used in analog signal processing and digital signal control. The 4066 chip contains four independent switching circuits, each consisting of a control end, an input end and an output end.
2, the working principle is the basic law of work. polydactyly3 One is a special cycle timing control chip. The same function as the MX0230, another chip used in the refrigerator. But the pin position does not function the same. MX0230 Pin 3 and ground timing capacitor (generally 6nF). Timing adjustment range 5-140 minutes (potentiometer 50K). By reducing the ground capacitance of pin 3, the timing time can be shortened (for example, to 68PF, the timing range is about 8-224 seconds).
The IO of PLC is Input/Output, which is divided into two parts: IO device and IO interface.
IC is a general term for semiconductor component products, including: 1, integratedcircuit (integratedcircuit, abbreviation: IC). 2, 2, triode. 3, special electronic components. The product classification of IC chips can have the following classification methods: First, the type of integrated circuit is generally classified by the number of electronic components such as transistors. SSI (Small integrated circuit), transistor number 10 ~ 100. MSI (Medium integrated circuit), transistor number 100 ~ 1000.
BA5096 internal circuit block diagram and pin function BA5096 integrated blockIncluding a/D converter and a/D converter. The time delay is controlled by the microprocessor. It contains a VCO (voltage controlled oscillation) circuit that generates a clock that can be tuned to the appropriate frequency. The IC adopts a dual-row 28-pin package, and the pin functions and data of its integrated circuit are listed in the table.
timer is a medium scale integrated timer, which is widely used. Usually only a few external resistance-capacitance elements can be formed into a variety of pulse circuits for different purposes, such as multivibrators, monostable flip-flops and Schmidt flip-flops. The 555 timer has a TTL integrated timer and a CMOS setInto timers, their logical function and the outer lead arrangement are exactly the same. The last digit of the TTL model is 555, and the last digit of the CMOS model is 7555.
Integrated circuit chip. IT4141 is an intelligent high-end power switch tube, using an integrated circuit chip, is 24V voltage regulator, responsible for the power of the motherboard, the main voltage generation and other effects.