无线充线圈信息ichaiyang 2024-05-16 22:00 33
Can't have.The small iron sheet is metal, it is best to remove the small iron sheet, in the use of wireless charging will cause mobile phones and wireless charging heat, may cause...

Wireless charging. Can there be iron in the middle?

Can't have.

The small iron sheet is metal, it is best to remove the small iron sheet, in the use of wireless charging will cause mobile phones and wireless charging heat, may cause certain security risks.

The result of charging is heat, high temperature and melt the glue behind the iron sheet may melt the plastic shell of the wireless charging base, the charging principle is similar to the transformer.

Mainly, the high-current coil through the electromagnetic induction of the small current limiting coil (similar words) to activate the electrons of the small coil active charging, if the two coils are separated by an iron sheet, the principle is probably similar to the induction oven microwave oven should be similar to the heating of the metal.

This is sure to have an impact, the iron sheet will affect the transmission signal of wireless charging, which will lead to interference in charging, it is recommended to remove the iron sheet, so as not to affect the phone charging.