无线充的标识ichaiyang 2024-05-16 21:34 23
is notOPPO's flash charge logo blue means fast charging, green means full, and red means slow charging.After super flash charge, change the value to fast charge gray, flash charge...

oppo charging icon is orange is it flash charging?

is not

OPPO's flash charge logo blue means fast charging, green means full, and red means slow charging.

After super flash charge, change the value to fast charge gray, flash charge green, and super flash yellow.

I hope the above answer can help a lot of friends, thank you for your support and encouragement, I will continue to try my best to answer all your questions for you.

oppo charging symbol yellow means that the way of charging is not the same, if the yellow charging sign is displayed, it represents the flash charging state, and the white sign is ordinary charging.