MARK point is actually very good to do the first step to choose a good point, before entering the MARK data, You just put in the number and you put in any number and you press F4 a...

How to make a MARK point when YAMAHA mounter is doing a program?

MARK point is actually very good to do the first step to choose a good point, before entering the MARK data, You just put in the number and you put in any number and you press F4 and it will show MARK Type:not specify the bridge space will show Fiamrk\/CAMERA press F4 MARKoutsize is the MARK point size and then you press F4 shape sirface Type:REFIECT reflective NOnReflect Indicates that the MARK point Type is generally a Circle After these selections are made, press F6 to enter the automatic correction page and correct the MARK point