oppo smart flash charge and super flash charge there is no essential difference, these two flash charge categories are actually the same, are fast support for mobile phone call bac...

oppo Smart Flash Charge and Super Flash charge difference?

oppo smart flash charge and super flash charge there is no essential difference, these two flash charge categories are actually the same, are fast support for mobile phone call back. Such as the use of 30w and 65w power charging head mobile phones. At, uh, 4,000 mah battery capacity. With 30w, it can be fully filled in less than an hour. With a 60w power charging head, it can be fully filled in less than half an hour, and the efficiency is very high.

There is no difference, but the name is different, super flash is a name belonging to oppo company, and wisdom flash is a name belonging to the real company, both are the same, there is no difference.