The difference between slow charge and fast charge:1, the main body is different: slow charge refers to the process of supplementing the battery and other equipment. Fast charge is...

What is the difference between seven kilowatts fast charge and slow charge?

The difference between slow charge and fast charge:

1, the main body is different: slow charge refers to the process of supplementing the battery and other equipment. Fast charge is a charging method that can make the battery reach or close to the fully charged state within 1 ~ 5h.

2, the circuit characteristics are different: slow charge when the battery is mistakenly connected to the positive and negative terminals, then the thyristor trigger circuit reverse cut-off, no trigger signal, thyristor is not switched on, the output current is zero. If the fast charge is short circuited in the two output terminals, the thyristor SCR trigger circuit in the charger cannot work, so the thyristor does not conduct, and the output current is zero.

3, the principle is different: the principle of slow charge is to let the direct current pass from the opposite direction of discharge to restore the active substance in the battery. If each half peak of the rectified output pulsating voltage exceeds the output voltage of the battery, the SCR is triggered by the collector current of Q, and the electricity flows through the thyristor to charge the battery.

4, the charging method is different: slow charging power is relatively small, most between 3kw and 7kw. Fast charge is actually the use of high-power direct current to charge, in most cases, its charging power can be up to 40kw or more.

5, the charging interface is different: slow charge using AC charging interface, this interface usually has 7 holes. Fast charge, which is usually charged by using a DC charging interface, which has only 9 holes.

6, the size of the charging pile is different: because the alternating current used by the power grid, and the electric vehicle needs direct current, so whether it is using fast charge or slow charge, it is necessary to convert alternating current into direct current. Slow charge in car rectifier complete. The current conversion of fast charging is completed in the charging pile, so compared with the two, the volume of the fast charging pile will be larger.

The difference between fast charging and slow charging: First, the speed is different.

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Fast charge generally charges the phone, and it can charge 50 to 70 percent of the electricity every half hour. The slow charge takes two or three hours to reach 50 percent.

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Second, the principle is different.

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Fast charge is to increase the current to achieve a rapid charge to the mobile phone, slow charge is ordinary charging, small flow to the mobile phone fully charged

The main difference between seven kilowatts fast charge and slow charge is the charging speed and the charging application scenario. 1. Charging speed: 7 kW fast charging usually refers to the charging power of 7000 watts, which is faster than slow charging. Fast charge can be used in a short time to full the battery or replenish a large amount of power. The slow charge refers to the low charging power, usually below 1000 watts, the charging speed is slow, and it takes a longer time to full the battery. 2. Charging application scenario: Fast charging is suitable for those occasions that often need fast charging, such as electric vehicles driving for a long time on the highway, which can charge part of the electricity during a short residence time to meet the needs of continuing to drive. Slow charging is suitable for long parking times, such as charging when parking at home or office, without pursuing charging speed.
It should be noted that different electric models will have different levels of support and charging efficiency for fast and slow charging, and the best charging method needs to be determined according to the specific model and charging equipment.

Slow charge refers to AC charging, and fast charge refers to DC charging, 7kw charging pile is AC charging, so it is slow charging. In addition, slow charging is slower than fast charging, but the charging cost is lower, suitable for use at home or work parking lot and other places that need to stay for a long time, convenient for daily charging, while fast charging is suitable for travel or road charging, charging speed is faster, but the charging cost is relatively high.