Conversion between degrees, minutes and seconds: 1 degree =60 minutes, 1 minute =60 seconds, 1 degree =60×60 seconds =3600 seconds. The conversion of degrees, minutes and seconds a...

The conversion of degrees, minutes and seconds?

Conversion between degrees, minutes and seconds: 1 degree =60 minutes, 1 minute =60 seconds, 1 degree =60×60 seconds =3600 seconds. The conversion of degrees, minutes and seconds and the conversion of hours, minutes and seconds in time are the same, and they are all 60 digits, and you can move forward one digit after reaching 60.

Conversion generally refers to the equivalent calculation method between different units of measurement of the same weight and measure. Example: 1 square kilometer =100 hectares =247.1 acres =0.386 square miles, etc.


12°24 ' 36 \" =12 24\/60 36\/3600=12 0.4 0.01=12.41°;

12.2436°= 12°0.2436 x60 ' = 12°14.616 ' = 12°14 0.616 x60”= 12°14“36.96”= 12°20 & # 39;36.96 \"

Extended information:

Degrees and minutes, minutes and seconds are all sexagesimal

Unicode code

The symbol for the degree corresponds to the Unicode code 00B0[1] (sexagesimal), which is displayed as a degree.

The Unicode code for the comma is 2032[1] (sexagesimal), shown as'.

The symbol for the second corresponds to the Unicode code 2033[1] (sexagesimal), shown as \".

In mathematics, degrees, minutes, and seconds representing angles are represented by the symbols °, ', and \

Conversion between degrees, minutes and seconds: 1 degree =60 minutes, 1 minute =60 seconds, 1 degree =60×60 seconds =3600 seconds.

The conversion of degrees, minutes and seconds and the conversion of hours, minutes and seconds in time are the same, and they are all 60 digits, and you can move forward one digit after reaching 60.

When converting, it is necessary to calculate according to the formula: one degree is equal to 60 minutes, one minute is equal to 60 seconds, 0.31 degrees *60=18.6 minutes, 0.6 minutes *60=36 seconds

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To convert 50°23 '45 \"into degrees, first divide 45 seconds into components, that is, divide by 60, that is, 45\/60=0.75 minutes, add to the minutes (23 0.75=23.75 minutes); Then divide the fraction by 60, which is 23.75\/60=0.3958 degrees, and then add it to the degree, the final result is 50.3958 degrees.

The conversion of degrees, minutes and seconds

A degree is equal to 60 minutes, and a minute is equal to 60 seconds

1 degree is equal to 60? Sixty seconds equals 3600 seconds

The degree minute and second is the same conversion as the hour minute and second in time, which is the progression of 60,

For example, to convert 50°23 '45 \"into degrees, first divide 45 seconds into components, that is, divide by 60, that is, 45\/60=0.75 minutes, add to the minutes (23 0.75=23.75 minutes); Then divide the fraction by 60, which is 23.75\/60=0.3958 degrees, and then add it to the degree, the final result is 50.3958 degrees