Try to choose a slow chargeIn daily use, it is best to charge regularly, maintain good charging habits, and choose a reasonable charging mode. The current and power required for fa...

Electric car charging with fast charge and slow charge which good?

Try to choose a slow charge

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In daily use, it is best to charge regularly, maintain good charging habits, and choose a reasonable charging mode. The current and power required for fast charging are relatively large, which may cause the temperature of the battery pack to rise too fast, and the module battery cannot be evenly charged, which will reduce the service life of the battery. Although the slow charge is full, the current and power required by it are not high, and the damage to the battery itself is not so great. Especially for new energy vehicles that are newly purchased and not opened for a long time, small current and slow charging mode should be adopted at the beginning. In the case of no hurry, it is recommended to choose slow charging as far as possible.

Slow charging is better for electric vehicles. Using a fast charge will do some damage to the battery. The reason is that when fast charging, the output current and output voltage are relatively large, and this large voltage and large current will cause the local temperature of the battery to rise. Then the plate deforms and bends. Often high current output fast charge, will cause the battery life is shortened. So from the point of view of protecting the battery, slow charging is better than fast charging.

Slow charge is better than fast charge, because slow charge is the standard current charge, the best for the battery. Frequent use of fast charge will significantly shorten the service life of the battery.

Electric vehicle, that is, electric drive car, also known as electric drive. Electric vehicles are divided into AC electric vehicles and DC electric vehicles. Generally, electric vehicles use batteries as energy sources, and convert electrical energy into mechanical energy movement through controllers, motors and other components to control the size of the current and change the speed of the vehicle.

Slow charge, fast charge will increase the pressure of the electric vehicle motor, and have a certain impact on the service life of the electric vehicle.