Generally speaking, the battery charging too fast may lead to a shorter battery life, and slow charging can effectively delay the service life of the battery, shortcomings, can not...

Why does it feel like a slow charge lasts longer than a fast charge?

Generally speaking, the battery charging too fast may lead to a shorter battery life, and slow charging can effectively delay the service life of the battery, shortcomings, can not be timely replenishment of power, take a longer time.

Past chromium-nickel batteries are very important in this regard, beyond the battery voltage is certain to reduce life. Now are lithium batteries in this respect the difference has been very small, otherwise those flash charge, super fast charge battery life are greatly reduced that line ah.

Fast charging hurts the battery compared to slow charging, so the corresponding battery life is reduced.

Slow charge is to reduce the input current and voltage of the battery to achieve, in the battery safety above is naturally more conducive to the maintenance of the battery than fast charge. Fast charging is the method of fast current charging, which will cause the battery to overheat and burn, so slow charging is better than fast charging.