1, the difference between fast charging and slow charging is: different current, different charging time, different temperature.2, the current is different fast charge: fast charge...

What is the difference between fast charging and slow charging?

1, the difference between fast charging and slow charging is: different current, different charging time, different temperature.

2, the current is different fast charge: fast charge is the use of 30%C current to charge the battery.

3, 2, slow charge: Slow charge is the use of 10%C current to charge the battery.

4, two, charging time is different fast charging: fast charging time is the same appliance, fast charging a charge is shorter than slow charging a charge, fast charging higher charging efficiency.

5, 2, slow charge: slow charge charging time is the same appliance, slow charge a charge time is longer than fast charge a charge, slow charge charging efficiency is lower.

6, three, different temperature fast charge: fast charge because the charging current is larger than the slow charge, the charging speed is faster than the slow charge speed, resulting in the temperature rise of the electrical charging heat process, and the safety is lower.

7, 2, slow charge: slow charge because the charging current is smaller than the fast charge, the charging speed is slower than the fast charge speed, resulting in the temperature rise of the electrical charging heat process is slow, and the safety is higher.

8, expanded information: The national regulations on mobile phone fast charging: The national discussion draft on mobile phone fast charging defines the fast charging of \"more than 60% of the charge within 30 minutes\".

9. According to this sentence, we can learn two things.

10. This is a measure of relative speed.

11, for a small battery cell phone, perhaps 10W charging power can be charged more than 60% in half an hour, even if fast charge; For mobile phones with large batteries, perhaps 15W charging power can not make it 60% in half an hour, which is still not fast.

12, 2, the 30 minutes charge more than 60%, refers to the actual battery power, not the charger standard power, due to the loss of charging, the charger is marked with 5V\/2A, is 10W charging power, the actual conversion may only 9W charging power.

The difference between fast charging and slow charging is that the charging speed is different, the price is different, the quality is different, the principle is different, the main body is different;

Charging speed is different: when the smart phone is fast charging, the charging speed is often very fast, basically every 30 minutes can charge 50%-70% of the electricity, and the battery can be fully charged soon, but the slow charging speed is very slow, 80% or full charge takes 2-3 hours;

The price is different: The fast charger on the market is slightly more expensive than the slow charger.

1, the slow charge is the constant current mode of charging, and automatically converted to trickle charging after full

 ; The fast charge generally uses pulse high current charging, and the polarization reaction in this process will cause the battery temperature to rise rapidly, which will have some impact on the battery life. But in fact, with the progress of the process, the impact of the fast charge process on the battery life has also been reduced.

2, the fast charging current is large, so the charging time will be much shorter; The charging current of slow charge is small, so the charging time is long.