The reasons why mobile phones can't be fully charged overnight are:1, the battery is broken, can not be charged.2, the charger charging current is too small, charging speed is slo...

Why can't the phone be charged overnight?

The reasons why mobile phones can't be fully charged overnight are:

1, the battery is broken, can not be charged.

2, the charger charging current is too small, charging speed is slow.

3. The charger is in poor contact with the mobile phone, intermittently, and cannot be filled.

4, the mobile phone motherboard has a problem, the discharge speed is too fast.

How to improve

1. Close unnecessary background programs

If the mobile phone runs too much background running program, the power consumption is large, and the charging speed will definitely slow down.

Solution: Turn the phone off and charge as far as possible, if it is not convenient to turn off and charge, you should avoid using the phone while charging. At the same time, try to close unnecessary background procedures, reduce the power consumption during charging, and concentrate on charging.

2. Try to use the original charging device of the mobile phone to charge, or try to replace the charging device with the same specifications and parameters for charging observation to eliminate the fault of the charging device.

3, with the use of mobile phones for a long time, it may lead to battery aging and charging, it is recommended to replace the battery, such problems are rare, but we must pay attention to, found that the battery bulge, swelling, it shows that the battery has a problem.

1, see if the charger data cable is damaged.

2. See if the socket is powered.

3, is the phone battery aging. Charge overnight, many people like to charge before going to bed, but some people think that this will lead to overcharging of the mobile phone, so that the battery storage capacity is reduced, now the mobile phone is equipped with overcharging protection, the mobile phone is fully charged automatically power off, there will be no overcharging at all, the mobile phone is quickly full, it will automatically convert to trickle charging, charging is very slow and the current is very small. It's not easy to overcharge.

In this case, do you first consider whether it is the charger? If it is not a problem with the charger and power supply, it can only be solved by replacement and maintenance