This can be assured that fast charging will not cause too much damage to the battery, and the behavior that will affect the battery life is overcharging and overdischarging.When us...

Little ant fast charge the battery?

This can be assured that fast charging will not cause too much damage to the battery, and the behavior that will affect the battery life is overcharging and overdischarging.

When using the fast charge to charge the ant, there are several things that need to be noted:

1. Check whether the device has loose plug-ins, mechanical damage and the connection is torn off. Check whether the various cable connections of the device are correct and whether the cable connections are reliable.

2. After powering on the device, check whether the LCD screen, card reader and other external devices can work normally.

3, after swiping the card, the page jumps to the page of immediate charging and booking charging selection, until the charging Settings are completed to prompt the user to take the card, after swiping the card on the charging information page, until the end of the charging prompts the user to take the card, the RF card needs to be in the card reader reading range, can not be removed, otherwise the program will automatically return to the welcome page or charging information page.

4, because the current stage for the new and old charging national standard replacement process, the communication protocol is not fully compatible, if the use of fast charging process can not match the charging fault, to contact the 4S shop as soon as possible.

Will hurt the battery, fast charging will cause irreversible damage to the battery, but the damage of fast charging is slightly stronger than the ordinary charging state, so the damage brought by fast charging, in fact, does not feel obvious.