The advantage of using lithium batteries is that it is rechargeable, its leakage current is small, far lower than nickel-cadmium nickel-metal hydride batteries, with a single batte...

Is the wireless microphone good for charging or battery?

The advantage of using lithium batteries is that it is rechargeable, its leakage current is small, far lower than nickel-cadmium nickel-metal hydride batteries, with a single battery can replace two to three nickel-cadmium batteries, light weight, a battery is lighter than a single nickel-cadmium battery (and a piece can replace two nickel-metal hydride series, lighter weight), usually use small volume lithium batteries, the overall space occupancy is small, Not tired in hand.

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Easy to charge, lithium battery is usually an Android mobile phone interface, the charger is versatile, charging is full of automatic stop, do not need to control, nickel-cadmium battery charger automatic control of the price is much more expensive

Wireless microphone is of course a good battery, which is a direct relationship with the use of wireless microphone environment, in the daily use of wireless microphone, it means that you need to go on stage in public to give a speech, this is a very important moment, to ensure the normal use of wireless microphone, if the use of rechargeable batteries there may be battery life attenuation, so every time to replace the battery is the best