双口快充头无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-16 19:27 14
There is no definite answer to the question of the blue amperage of the two-port charging head, because the color of the charging head is not directly related to the amperage. Howe...

How much blue is the two-port charging head?

There is no definite answer to the question of the blue amperage of the two-port charging head, because the color of the charging head is not directly related to the amperage. However, usually, the blue charging head may represent that it supports fast charging, and the amperage of fast charging is usually higher.
However, the amperage depends on the power of the charging head and the specifications of the cable. If the power of the charging head is 100W and the cable supports 2A current, then its amperage is 2A. Similarly, if the power is 200W and the cable supports 4A current, the amperage is 4A. In addition, some charging heads may be labeled with a specific color for design or safety reasons, but this does not mean that they necessarily support fast charging or have a specific amperage.
Therefore, to determine how many amps the two-port charging head blue is, you need to check the specifications or instructions of the charging head, or consult the seller or manufacturer.

The specific amount of blue for the two-port charging head depends on the specifications of the charging head and the manufacturer. In general, the blue charging head may be 10 or 16 amPs, but the specific specifications need to be confirmed according to the product description or contact the manufacturer. In order to ensure the safety of charging, it is recommended to read the product description carefully when purchasing or using the charging head, and choose regular brands and channels to purchase, to avoid the use of fake and shoddy products. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the use of the charging head environment and conditions, to avoid overheating, humidity and other bad environments, so as to avoid accidents.