芯片是什么专业ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:39 105
Strong base plan high-end chips should choose microelectronics professional. At present, high-end chips are involved in microelectronics technology, micromotor systems, integrated...

Strong base plan high-end chip should choose what professional?

Strong base plan high-end chips should choose microelectronics professional. At present, high-end chips are involved in microelectronics technology, micromotor systems, integrated circuit design and integrated systems, electronic science and technology, electronic information engineering, optoelectronic information science and engineering. Because the domestic chip manufacturing technology is relatively weak, the state will vigorously support the research and development and manufacturing of chip technology, and include it in the strong base plan of colleges and universities. In fact, all schools will carry out interdisciplinary research learning for the professional setting of the Strong Foundation Programme, and implement the tutorial system and small classes. Therefore, the strong base high-end chip will be multi-disciplinary, multi-field cross, number, science, engineering basic knowledge integration of composite professional.