For WIFI signal is not good, often disconnected, you can try the following ways to solve it (provided that the broadband operator does not have speed limits :1, is the most versat...

wifi signal is broken how to solve?

For WIFI signal is not good, often disconnected, you can try the following ways to solve it (provided that the broadband operator does not have speed limits) :

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1, is the most versatile way we solve all digital devices - restart, because the router's memory or ability to process information is limited, restart the router can clean up the cache inside;

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2, the production of signal booster, just like in our 80 children, when the home TV signal is not good, the outside antenna to increase the pot is a principle, because the signal is spherical transmission at the antenna, we can add a can on the routing antenna, using the metal surface of the can to reflect the signal to the required direction;

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3, Since wireless routing can choose different channels to work, you can use a scanning tool such as WIFI stumber or WIFI analyzer to find the best channel in the room.

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4, the home WIFI signal is not good may be because the wireless router antenna placement Angle is not right, in fact, this is also a certain attention, if the antenna is not fully expanded, or the Angle is not correct, it will lead to bad WIFI signal. Therefore, we need to operate correctly, which can be set according to the Angle of the router antenna on the manual to achieve the best effect.

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5, if the location of the router is not placed near the center of the home, far away from the router, the signal will be very poor;

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6, the home is not square or the area is too large, the need for a stronger performance router or multi-route Mesh networking way to solve this problem, now on the market Asus, 360, TP-Link and other big brand router manufacturers have launched routes with Mesh networking functions.

2, the network signal is blocked by interference

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If the signal used to be good, the phone suddenly becomes no signal. In addition to the cause of the base station damage, be sure to pay attention to the fact that the signal around the area where your mobile phone is located is likely to be shielded. There are a number of signal jammers on the market. These devices, when turned on, emit radio waves that interfere with cell phone communications. This will result in our mobile phone can only receive useless interference waves, but can not receive the normal base station signal, resulting in no signal.

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In this case, you can move to the signal area to access the network, or the other side can turn off the jammer.