1, the TV network Settings caused by the problem, this time you can enter the network Settings interface, reset the connection home WiFi signal to try.2. If there is a problem with...

Why is the wifi connection to the TV slow?

1, the TV network Settings caused by the problem, this time you can enter the network Settings interface, reset the connection home WiFi signal to try.

2. If there is a problem with router Settings or router failure, you can restart the router to solve it; Or restore the router to factory Settings and reset the network parameters to solve the problem; If the router hardware is faulty, you need to contact the after-sales service to repair or replace the router.

3, the network service provider's network line, the server is interrupted, the fault caused by the router can not connect to the network, in this case, the TV is also bound to break the network, need to contact the network service provider to solve the network transmission problem.

4, may also be the TV system problems caused by network abnormalities, you can restart the TV to solve, if necessary, you can enter the system setting interface, the TV system restore to the factory setting state or upgrade to the latest version to solve.

5, the above problem troubleshooting TV still can not be connected to the network, it may be the TV network module failure, antenna failure, internal circuit or motherboard and other parts of the fault, need to contact the TV after-sales service for comprehensive testing and maintenance to solve.

1. Open too many applications. The network speed is occupied

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Just like the truth of computers and mobile phones, too much software is opened, and the Internet speed will be slow, and even there will be a delay. At this time, you need to first measure the Internet speed, and then optimize the network.

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Solution: Open the cleaning software in the device, measure the actual network speed, and deeply optimize, the network speed will be much faster than before.

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2. The DNS server is unstable or hijacked

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Perhaps many people do not understand the role of DNS, in fact, can be understood as a road. The transfer of user data through these routes to the desired website.

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Solution: Also with the DNS priority function of the cleaning class software, select a setting. The optimal DNS server is selected to optimize the user's network speed.

1, the network speed is not enough, or the network is unstable, fast and slow, this reason is the biggest possibility.

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2. The video watching software in the TV may not handle itself smoothly.