If the mobile phone is heated during use, please deal with it in the following ways:1. Ensure heat dissipation(1 It is recommended to avoid using the mobile phone while charging,...

opporeno5pro charging heat how to cool down?

If the mobile phone is heated during use, please deal with it in the following ways:

1. Ensure heat dissipation

(1) It is recommended to avoid using the mobile phone while charging, and avoid placing the mobile phone in a place where the heat dissipation is not good, such as a quilt or blanket, when charging.

(2) Try to avoid using the protective shell with poor heat dissipation, or remove the mobile phone protective shell and other objects that are not conducive to heat dissipation of the fuselage when the temperature rises.

(3) It is recommended to avoid outdoor high temperature or direct sunlight.

2. Clean up the background

(1) Try to avoid multiple applications running at the same time, and often clean the background software, which can reduce the load of the CPU and improve the battery life of the mobile phone.

(2) Reduce protected background applications. Enter the mobile phone butler to turn off unnecessary protection programs to prevent it from increasing power consumption in the background.

(3) Turn off application association startup, enter the mobile phone manager to turn off unnecessary application association startup function, and prevent applications from frequently waking up to each other in the background.

3. Disable uncommon functions

(1) It is recommended to choose a reasonable power saving strategy, you can use the mobile phone butler for relevant Settings.

(2) Select the appropriate screen brightness, you can pull down the status bar, turn on the switch to automatically adjust the screen brightness. Avoid using maximum brightness for long periods of time.

(3) Adjust the multimedia volume appropriately and try to avoid using a large volume for a long time.

(4) Turn off the function switches that are not used or not commonly used (WIFI, GPS, Bluetooth, automatic synchronization, etc.).

(5) It is recommended to temporarily close the mobile data network when the signal is bad, and the use of mobile network feature phones when the signal is bad will enhance the signal search ability to search the network frequently, resulting in an increase in power consumption and temperature.

4. Update the system in time

(1) If the above operations are not significantly improved, it is recommended to back up important data and restore factory Settings.

(2) In addition, the new system software version will continuously improve power consumption and optimize your user experience. Please pay attention to upgrading the latest system version in time. If it can be updated, please backup the data and update it to obtain a better user experience.

If you charge the heat, you should put it in a cooler place to charge it, or turn off the phone.