My answer is this1. Mi 80w wireless charging has disadvantages.2. Xiaomi's 80w wireless charger, although the charging speed is relatively fast, its heat is also very fierce, gener...

Xiaomi 80w wireless charging disadvantages?

My answer is this

1. Mi 80w wireless charging has disadvantages.

2. Xiaomi's 80w wireless charger, although the charging speed is relatively fast, its heat is also very fierce, generally after charging for half an hour, the charging device will be hot. So we need to unplug the power after charging for another half hour and let the charger cool down. So I think millet 80w wireless charging is a disadvantage.

The disadvantage of the wireless charging of the Xiaomi 80w is that the use of wireless charging for a long time may lead to charging heat or high temperature of the rechargeable battery affecting the service life

Millet 80 watt fast charging speed is very fast, but has the following disadvantages;

Only use their own protocol to activate 50W, 67W, 80W fast charging function, other devices can only turtle speed charging.

The phone always heats up while charging (this may not be its fault, it may be the fault of all wireless charges)

The wind noise is really big when charging, and it is not suitable for the bedroom and the bedside.