The argument that \"Bluetooth is not as good as wired sound quality\" seems to have become a subconscious, but with the rapid development of Bluetooth technology today, the gap has...

Why are some wired headphones better than Bluetooth headphones?

The argument that \"Bluetooth is not as good as wired sound quality\" seems to have become a subconscious, but with the rapid development of Bluetooth technology today, the gap has been slowly narrowed.

We all know that Bluetooth technology is no wire connection, all through the digital signal transmission, then the transmission between the channel is called bandwidth.

In the early days, although everyone's bandwidth is the same, but the audio file size is too large, so the playback device will compress the audio file during Bluetooth transmission, and then transmit it to the top of the headset.

The problem is that the original audio file is 10MB, but when it is transferred to the headset through Bluetooth, there may be only 3MB left, which will greatly reduce the audio details, and naturally, it is not so HiFi.

At the beginning of Bluetooth, in the case of imperfect technology, the playback device will first transmit the audio file to the headset, and then decode by the headset, which brings a certain time delay. But now the Bluetooth headset has basically solved such a problem. Although the compression rate has been reduced, there is still a long way to go to achieve near-wired sound quality. As for the improvement of sound quality, it is only extremely limited, but after all, sound is metaphysical, and sometimes psychological factors will play a part, so the pursuit of technical support is also very important. You know what? If you want to sound good, you know? Cable, playback equipment, headphones, sound source four indispensable. Relying on Bluetooth to get good sound quality is still far from feasible.

Some people think that wired headphones are better than Bluetooth headphones, mainly because wired headphones do not need to be paired and charged, and the sound quality is more stable, there will be no intermittent situation. In addition, the price of wired headphones is relatively low, which is more affordable for some consumers with limited budgets. However, the advantages of Bluetooth headphones are also obvious, they are more portable, can be used anytime, anywhere, and do not need to worry about cable entanglement. In short, the choice of wired headphones or Bluetooth headphones depends on individual needs and preferences.

There are several reasons why some wired headphones are more popular than Bluetooth headphones.

First, wired headsets typically provide higher sound quality and a more stable connection because the audio signal is transmitted directly over the wire without interference from the Bluetooth signal.

Second, wired headphones do not need to be charged and can be used at any time, while Bluetooth headphones need to be charged regularly. In addition, wired headphones are usually cheaper and easier to find a suitable device. However, the portability of Bluetooth headsets and the advantages of wireless connectivity make them more popular in some situations, such as when exercising or when you need to move freely.

The volume problem of wired headphones and Bluetooth headphones leads to the lack of Bluetooth headphones, signal acceptance and battery are integrated in one, so the sound quality is prone to problems.

2, the transmission of wired headphones is good, and the loss problem is smaller than that of Bluetooth headphones, so the sound quality of wired headphones is better than Bluetooth.