有线充版无线充版ichaiyang 2024-05-16 17:05 25
I can talk about this, cable broadband, solid name is the cable TV operators to provide broadband Internet services. It is often technically different from other forms of broadband...

What does cable network mean on TV?

I can talk about this, cable broadband, solid name is the cable TV operators to provide broadband Internet services. It is often technically different from other forms of broadband. To be able to use cable broadband must be a two-way cable TV network that shares a bandwidth (about 160Mbps) in the range of one optical transmitter (four optical nodes) to go online. From the quality can be the same as other broadband methods, from the United States of wired broadband accounted for more than 50% of the visible class, such as the United States has a large film agents with false wired broadband personnel, reconnaissance suspects can be proved.

China's wired broadband gives people the impression of general quality, mostly due to the fact that wired broadband interconnection bandwidth is less, similar to mobile broadband, depends on more competition. There are also users of cable TV home line protection is poor, decoration changes at will, I hope that everyone pays attention to, such as cable broadband also mass use of fiber to the home will be better solved.

The cable network is that you plug a line from the router to the TV, and the TV is through this line to surf the Internet and watch TV, so the network with the line is called the cable network.

The cable network is that you plug a line from the router to the TV, and the TV is through this line to surf the Internet and watch TV, so the network with the line is called the cable network.

It is the network shared with the digital TV transmission channel, simply put, it is through the set-top box interface to achieve networking, but the operator is only radio and television, just like China Telecom, Unicom and other broadband.