电路板图解ichaiyang 2024-05-16 16:40 27
1, How to repair the circuit board of the automatic dishwasher - how to repair the circuit board? 2, PCB circuit board manufacturing process? 3, What is the PCB manufacturing pro...

Circuit board diagram (Electric vehicle charger circuit board diagram)

How to repair the circuit board of the automatic dishwasher - how to repair the circuit board?

1, how to quickly repair the circuit board to see the status of the components to get a faulty circuit board, first observe the circuit board there is no obvious component damage, such as electrolytic capacitor burn and bulge, resistance burn and power device burn. Look at the welding of the circuit board, such as the printed circuit board has deformation warping; There is no solder joint falling off, obvious virtual welding; The circuit board is covered with copperNot warped, burnt and blackened.

2, first find the fault location, you can first observe the circuit board there is no obvious burnt out place; Then find the faulty components, which need to measure the components; After confirming the faulty component, replace it. Finally, the functional test of the repaired circuit board is carried out. Wang Wenzhong circuit board maintenance video tutorial has a detailed explanation.

3, the first step: power to the circuit board, in this step, it should be noted that some circuit board power is not a single, may need 5V, will also need positive or negative 12V, 24VWait, don't miss the power supply. After the circuit board is powered on, touch the components on the circuit board by hand to see if there are hot components, focus on checking the 74 series chip, if the component is hot, it indicates that the component may have been damaged.

4, after the failure to plug in the power, the dishwasher does not start in this situation, it must be to see whether the power is off, and then check to see whether the plug is in poor contact, as well as the switch and insurance problems, to put it bluntly, check whether the power of the dishwasher is normal; Then check that the dishwasher door is closed properly, and then press the button to testTry, if the above is no problem, it may be the circuit board and function keys are damaged.

5, dishwashers mainly rely on water to clean tableware. If there is a water flow problem, the dishwasher may not work properly. Common water flow problems are: water filter blockage, low water pressure, water leakage and so on. Solutions include cleaning the water filter, checking the water pressure, and replacing the water pipe. The dishwasher needs electricity to run, and if there's a problem with the circuit, the dishwasher won't start. Circuit problems include power socket failures, power line disconnections, and circuit board failures.

PCB circuit board manufacturing process?

Schematic design: According to the circuit requirements and specifications, the use of professional PCB design software to create the schematic of the circuit. PCB layout design: According to the schematic, the layout design of the PCB is carried out in the design software, including component placement and line connection. Design Rule Checks (DRC) : Design rule checks are performed using design software to ensure that the layout meets circuit requirements and factory manufacturing capabilities.

Manufacturing preprocessing: preprocessing according to manufacturing documents. Exposure and development: The letter in the document will be manufacturedThe information is transferred to the photosensitive coating, and the circuit pattern is formed by the process of exposure and development. Etching: Use an acidic solution to etch away copper that is not protected by the coating to form wires and connection points on the board. Drilling: Use a drill drill to drill the PCB to position it so that components can be installed in the next step.

If the detailed design report of the board is passed, the project team shall cooperate with the Planning Department to prepare the board material application purchase, and carry out the PCB board design on the one hand. PCB board design needs the cooperation between the project team and the CAD room, and the original PCB diagram is completed by the project teamThe management of PCB drawing board and casting board is completed by CAD room. PCB casting board has a special PCB template process.

The production process of a PCB (Printed Circuit Board) usually includes the following main steps: Schematic Design: The use of electronic design automation (EDA) software to draw a circuit diagram, defining the connection and function of the components in the circuit. Preparation of PCB Layout: In the PCB design software, the components of the circuit diagram are placed inPCB board, and determine the wire, circuit layer, pin distance and other parameters.

Therefore, the first step is to accumulate a layer of conductive material on the hole wall, and form a 1 micron copper film on the entire PCB surface by chemical deposition. The whole process, such as chemical treatment and cleaning, is controlled by the machine.

Assembly test: After completing the electrical test, the circuit board is finally integrated with the product electronic system to conduct a comprehensive test of the entire system. Through the above steps, PCB design, manufacturing, testing and testing is completed, you can apply the circuit board to a variety of electronic productsWhat is the production process of CB?

PCB board production: the photomask is applied to the copp-covered substrate, and after a series of process steps, such as exposure, etching, cleaning, etc., the unwanted copper layer is removed to form circuit connections and component pads. Drilling: Drilling holes into the PCB board to install components and achieve electrical connections.

Wave soldering: - The PCB is fed into the wave soldering equipment, and the pad and pin are soaked by liquid solder wave to achieve welding. Cleaning: - Use deionized water or chemical cleaning agent to clean the PCB to goIn addition to the welding process produced residues and contaminants.

The process of making a circuit board usually includes the following steps: Design the circuit diagram: Determine the circuit connections, component packaging, and layout in the circuit diagram. Layout design: PCB layout design according to circuit diagram. Wiring: Wiring is used to connect various components in a circuit.

PCB production is very complex, taking four-layer printed board as an example, its production process mainly includes PCB layout, core board production, inner PCB layout transfer, core board drilling and inspection, lamination, drilling, hole wall copper chemical precipitation, outer PCB layoutTransfer, outer PCB etching and other steps.

pcb circuit board production process: inner layer; Mainly for the production of PCB circuit board inner line; The production process is as follows: 1, cutting board: cut the PCB substrate to the production size. 2, pre-treatment: clean the PCB substrate surface, remove surface contaminants.