The ground line is the line directly connected to the earth, which can also be called the safe return route, and when it is dangerous, it transfers the high pressure directly to th...

Standard practice for charger ground cable?

The ground line is the line directly connected to the earth, which can also be called the safe return route, and when it is dangerous, it transfers the high pressure directly to the Earth, which is a lifeline.You can attach one to the motor waike. (If you do not move, the other end is directly grounded)Due to poor insulation performance or wet use environment, household electrical equipment will lead to a certain amount of static electricity in its shell, and electric shock will occur in serious cases. In order to avoid accidents, a wire can be connected to the metal shell of the electrical appliance, and the other end of the wire is connected to the earth. Once the electrical leakage occurs, the grounding wire will bring static electricity into the earth and release it. In addition, when electrical maintenance personnel use soldering irons to weld circuits, they sometimes break down and damage integrated circuits in electrical appliances because the iron is charged, which is more important. Friends who use computers sometimes ignore the main case grounding, in fact, to the computer main case grounding, to a certain extent, can prevent the emergence of crash phenomenon.Grounding wire in power systems: It is an important tool to ensure workers in case of unexpected voltage on outage equipment and lines. According to the regulations of the Ministry, the ground wire must be made of 25mm 2 or more bare copper flexible wire.

1, use a long wire, preferably copper wire, the end of the wire wound on a long iron nail;

2. Disassemble the three-hole socket shell used for charging, find the grounding end (left zero and right ignition upper grounding), plug the other end of the wire into the grounding port and fix it;

3, then the nail into the wall or the ground, as far as possible the whole nail into, the deeper the better, and finally install the socket shell can be.

It should be noted that before grounding the wire by yourself, be sure to turn off the power main brake first! And such a self-grounding wire method is only suitable for low-power portable charging guns, in the process of grounding wire should also be the best insulation protection measures, it is best to wear rubber gloves throughout. Since the above method cannot guarantee the circuit is 100% safe, it is recommended to ask a professional to ground the wire.

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1. Buy a grounding rod online, the specification is about 1.5 meters long, the thickness and diameter of 1 centimeter, the size is not limited, a lot of waste, but too small it is difficult to hit.

2. Select the installation position of the ground rod and drive it into the soil below.

3. You can pour a 500g bag of salt into the hole. Objective To increase the electrical conductivity of the ground, and then put in the ground rod.

4. Leave the ground rod outside for connecting the ground wire (choose 4 or 6 square), remove rust, and wrap it tightly and waterproof after connection.

5. Finally, the measured value of the grounding resistance shall prevail, generally less than 4 ohms is qualified. When the grounding requirements are high or the grounding resistance does not meet the requirements, various methods and measures such as adding salt can be considered to improve the grounding effect.