1. Charging speed is different: hot charging speed is faster than cold charging, so in the same time, hot charging can be filled with more electricity. This is because at high temp...

What is the difference between cold charge and hot charge?

1. Charging speed is different: hot charging speed is faster than cold charging, so in the same time, hot charging can be filled with more electricity. This is because at high temperatures, the rate of chemical reactions inside the battery is faster.

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2. Different charging efficiency: When the temperature is too high or too low, it will reduce the charging efficiency of the battery. In general, hot charging will cause a large amount of internal resistance loss and a large self-discharge, so its overall charging efficiency may be relatively low.

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3. Different safety: Due to excessive heat generated during hot charging, it is easy to cause unexpected situations such as overheating of the battery and even explosion, so careful operation is required. In contrast, cold charging is more stable and safe.

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4. Different protection measures: for different temperature states, corresponding protection measures are also needed in design and use. For example, a cooling system is used to control the temperature in a high temperature environment, and a suitable operating temperature is maintained by heating in a low temperature environment.

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To sum up, cold charging and hot charging each have advantages and disadvantages, in practical applications need to consider different factors to choose, and take appropriate safety measures.

The biggest difference between cold chargers and hot chargers is that the temperature of the phone is divided when charging. When charging, the temperature rise of the phone is not much, which belongs to the cold charger, and on the contrary, it is the hot charger.

Generally, ordinary chargers are mostly cold chargers, fast chargers are mostly hot chargers, and a small number of chargers use low voltage and high current to achieve fast charging, and the temperature of mobile phones is not high when charging, such as Huawei 22.5w super fast charging, can also be divided into cold chargers.

1. Hot stamping is mainly for thick (more than 11MM) and shaped 3D products, such as doing pliers, steel scissors, buckle, steel hammer, etc., in order to increase the plasticity of the billet, and take into account the structure of the product, quality and die fixture life and other reasons for local or all heating treatment of the billet, called hot stamping, because of the complex process, There are many security risks and low efficiency, so the application scope is relatively small.

2. Cold stamping is mainly for thin (less than 10MM) and shaped 3D products, such as IT, consumer electronics, automotive, OA, etc., in order to improve the efficiency of production and product quality, most products can be manufactured continuous die production, fine stamping die and manipulator are also more applications, cold stamping without heating materials, because the process is simpler, High production efficiency, high precision, so widely used.