立式无线充改平充ichaiyang 2024-05-16 15:30 32
The computer host has two kinds of vertical and horizontal, the placement can be interchangeable, that is, the vertical host can be placed flat, and the horizontal host can also be...

Can the computer case sit flat?

The computer host has two kinds of vertical and horizontal, the placement can be interchangeable, that is, the vertical host can be placed flat, and the horizontal host can also be placed standing. What to note is:

1, the direction of the optical drive. After the vertical host is placed flat, the way the optical drive out of the disc has changed, and it is more troublesome to put and take the disc: the disc should be pressed with the finger, and the disc should be caught by the hand. General horizontal mainframe also has this problem.

2. Heat dissipation problem. The side of some vertical main engines is designed with small hole groups of air intakes, replaced with flat ones, and try not to cover the air vents.

3, the direction of the flat, generally under the motherboard is appropriate. If you look from the back of the host, the main interfaces are in the lower part, which is easy to route a variety of signal lines, plug and remove and heat dissipation of the machine.