Chip, that is, integrated circuit is a circuit (mainly including semiconductor equipment, but also including passive components, etc. miniaturization, using a certain process, the...

What's the difference between a chip and a silicon chip?

Chip, that is, integrated circuit is a circuit (mainly including semiconductor equipment, but also including passive components, etc.) miniaturization, using a certain process, the required transistors, resistors, capacitors and inductors in a circuit and wiring interconnect together, produced in a small or several small pieces of semiconductor chip or dielectric substrate, and then packaged in a tube shell, Becomes a micro structure with the desired circuit function; All components have been structurally formed as a whole, making electronic components a big step forward in terms of miniaturization, low power consumption, intelligence and high reliability.

silicon wafer

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It is an important material for making integrated circuits, and various semiconductor devices can be made by means of lithography and ion implantation on silicon wafers. Chips made of silicon have incredible computing power. The development of science and technology continues to promote the development of semiconductors. Technological developments such as automation and computers have reduced the cost of such high-tech products as silicon wafers (integrated circuits) to a very low level. This has made silicon wafers widely used in aerospace, industry, agriculture and defense, and even crept into every home.

Different, the material of the chip is silicon, and the circuit is made on the silicon chip, and then it is packaged, which is the chip. Silicon chips are cut from monocrystalline silicon, which is used as raw materials, and chips are finished products