The method is as follows.1, click the search box. Open Huawei gt2, slide to the leftmost page to enter the negative screen, and then click the search box at the top.2, click the Se...

How to reverse charge gt2 watch and mobile phone?

The method is as follows.

1, click the search box. Open Huawei gt2, slide to the leftmost page to enter the negative screen, and then click the search box at the top.

2, click the Settings menu. Enter Settings in the new page and click Settings in the pop-up menu.

3. Go to Huawei Settings. Click Settings to automatically jump to the Settings page.

4, click the battery menu. Select the Battery menu on the Settings page.

5. Enable reverse charging. On the battery page, tap the menu next to Wireless Reverse charging and tap Open to complete Huawei gt2 reverse charging Settings.

The Huawei gt2 watch cannot be charged in reverse with a mobile phone.

Huawei gt2pro watch has reverse charging function.