There are many reasons why Bluetooth headphones are hot when they are charging, the most common reason is that the output power of the charger is too large, resulting in high tempe...

Bluetooth headset charging hot?

There are many reasons why Bluetooth headphones are hot when they are charging, the most common reason is that the output power of the charger is too large, resulting in high temperature of the headset battery, which leads to fever.

In addition, the charging environment temperature is too high, the design of the headset is unreasonable, and the service life of the headset battery is too long, which can also easily lead to heat when the headset is charged.

In order to prevent the headphone charging heat, should try to use the original charger, and ensure that the charging environment temperature is appropriate (generally between 0-45 ° C), but also to avoid long charging, while choosing a reasonable design, good battery quality Bluetooth headphone.