小米无线快充断充ichaiyang 2024-05-16 14:29 20
1. Yes, it is. 2. This may be because the battery capacity of Xiaomi Wireless charging treasure is small, and the efficiency of wireless charging is relatively low, resulting in sh...

Xiaomi wireless charging treasure charging for a while is broken?

1. Yes, it is.
2. This may be because the battery capacity of Xiaomi Wireless charging treasure is small, and the efficiency of wireless charging is relatively low, resulting in short charging time.
In addition, there may be some technical problems or battery aging and other reasons, leading to the interruption of the charging process. 3. If you need longer charging time, you can consider using wired charging method, or choose other brands of charging banks, which can provide longer charging time with larger capacity. In addition, regular inspection and replacement of the battery of the charging bank is also an important measure to ensure the charging effect.