快充无线充插线板ichaiyang 2024-05-16 14:28 31
It's just as fast to connect a strip and socket directly with a charger.The speed depends mainly on the charger you use, and has nothing to do with the socket board and socket. The...

Does the speed of charging have anything to do with the socket converter?

It's just as fast to connect a strip and socket directly with a charger.

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The speed depends mainly on the charger you use, and has nothing to do with the socket board and socket. The socket board is 220V, the speed of charging is the quality of the charger, the power size, the brand.

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The charger is actually composed of a stable power supply (mainly a stabilized power supply, providing stable operating voltage and sufficient current) plus the necessary constant current, voltage limiting, time limiting, overshooting and other control circuits.

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The speed of the voltage regulator transformer is also determined by the power of the charger. When charging, the charging current is less than 0.1C, which is called trickle charging. Trickle charging can charge the battery very fully without harming the battery life, but the time taken to charge with trickle is too long, so it is rarely used alone, but in combination with other charging methods. When the charging current is between 0.1C-0.2C, it is called slow charging.

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Charging current greater than 0.2C, less than 0.8C is fast charging. When the charging current is greater than 0.8C, it is called ultra-high-speed charging.

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However, 1C is a logical concept rather than absolute value, so the fast and slow charge according to 1C is also a relative value, just as the 200mAH charging current is slow charge for the 1200mAH battery, and it is fast charge for the 700mAH battery.